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Strategies for Increasing Facebook Page Likes

Anyone can make their Facebook page if they want, but you will need to think a little out of the box if you want traffic and “likes.” You can verify that number of fan pages at just over three million, so that really is not a lot but you still have to put some effort in to grab the attention of your audience. Are you aware of any strategies for amassing more likes for your FB fan page? If you want likes, then check out these cool tips for getting more people to like what you have.

Run some Facebook Contests! How? Check this site: www.clickappy.com

If you’re running a blog or a content site targeted towards your niche, you have the opportunity to boost your Facebook Page Likes by publishing epic content that people like and share. If you do not have ‘like’ icons so people can quickly hit them, then by all means get them on your site. When you create content that’s worth spreading around, it will most definitely go viral, and this will considerably help you create targeted flow of traffic to your blog, some of which will hopefully turn into Facebook Fans for your Page. There will never be any end to the hunger for information, and so that is all you need to keep doing.

You have probably heard of Fiverr, so you know you can outsource your work for just $5 per task. The sort of no-brainer tactic employed at Fiverr is getting fake Likes, but they are only fake in the sense they are not from your target audience. It basically works like this: You pay them five bucks, and they recommend you to 5,000 of their friends – that’s all it takes. You will have to make this person the admin of your page so that they can suggest your page to their friends. Since you will have to give them admin rights, we strongly suggest you only go with proven Fiverr sellers.

We cannot guarantee or promise you anything, so read over the feedback and see what you discover.

One easy and effective way to attract more people to Like your page is to use an attractive profile picture. Like they say, a picture says a thousand words, so if you want to effectively optimize your Facebook page make it larger than life. Be sure to avoid using smaller pictures for your profile. Take all the size you need, and they give you 200 x 600 pixels.

If you want more Facebook likes, then you have a good idea that some work is required to make it happen. Many people do struggle to get targeted Likes to their page, but it’s only because they aren’t taking any consistent action to make things happen. It is just like what many experienced business people always say, you have to promote your business every day.