Category Archive Silly fun apps


Facebooks mobilannonser + iPhone Passbook mobile pass

Har ditt företag en fysisk plats och arbetar med kampanjer såsom kuponger, rabatter och freebies för att aktivera konsumenterna point-of-sale? kan denna nya typ av kampanj där man kombinerar Facebook annonser med direkta mobila nedladdningar vara precis det rätta för din nästa marknadsföringskampanj! Marknadsför din kupong i en Facebook-annons och få varje klick på annonsen sparad i iPhone.

68% av svenskarna i åldern 18-65 använder en smart telefon; 84% en mobiltelefon med tillgång till internet. Som Facebook marknadsföring specialister, ser vi att trenden i hur människor använder Facebook: Nästan alla svenskar använder Facebook via både en dator och en mobil, men den primära enheten för majoriteten av konsumenter är smarta telefoner! Så, låt oss kombinera Facebooks stora räckvidd för mobiltelefoner och deras stora format för mobilannonser med möjligheten för konsumenterna att spara mobile pass direkt i iPhonen:
Kuponger, gratisprodukter, produktprover och rabatter sparade i iPhonens Passbook har konsumenten alltid med sig, och framför allt: När de närmar sig butiken blir de påminda via en notifikation att det är dags lösa in den!

Kolla in detta plus mycket mer genom att besöka Skandnet Internet Media på deras hemsida!


I slutet av förra året släppte Facebook en call-to-action-knapp för Facebook-sidor. Då fanns den bara för sidor från USA, men nu har den även dykt upp på svenska sidor. Knappen ligger i sidans cover photo och det går att välja mellan flera olika uppmaningar som till exempel boka nu, köp nu, gå med och kontakta oss.

Har knappen dykt upp på er Facebook-sida ännu?


How do I make my Facebook application?

They have said all along that it’s easy to make a Facebook app!

But I’m not sure whether to believe what they say or seek answers elsewhere! Or rather, I was not sure about it until I by chance happened to read an article about a site offering its users a so-called app generator! This program, which by the way is called ClickAppy has everything you need to create your Facebook application or promotions on the easiest possible way and at a price that is amazing! As they mention themselves on their site, it costs no more than a cup of coffee to sign and use ClickAppy per month! Do you think that this sounds good? Then I suggest, that you take your time and do what I did and visit their site, see for yourselves how easy and practical this application for facebook generator is! I assure you that a visit to their website will lead to the creation of your first application facebook. I just have one thing to add, to create an account with ClickAppy and make applications facebook or promotions costs nothing! Therefore, you can calmly create a Facebook app and then if you are satisfied, choose to publish it! I don’t know if you going to like it, but I must say that I love ClickAppy already! 😀





Applications for you and me on Facebook

This to make apps, I thought it was one of those difficult tasks one could have! But after visiting a few blogs and receiving information on various sites containing software for this purpose, I noted that there are much easier ways to take than to complicate things for themselves! During my surfing I found a program that is simplicity itself and it costs almost nothing to use! A program called ClickAppy which contains many templates to them various applications to facilitate app creation for us normal users! Just visit their site and get an idea of how easy it can be to make those apps! To give you a reference point I suggest that you read a few blogs with content that can be very helpful when choosing to use a program for this purpose! A blog with good info is Facebook app which has the right links to the program I mentioned earlier! A blog which one can use to make Facebook applications and promotions in addition to the same links also contains lots of useful text that deals with the interesting questions in more detailed way! You can always turn to ClickAppys website for information and also try to do some “applications for Facebook” before you decide to do it for real, because it is completely free to use ClickAppy!


To App or not to App!

Making a Facebook app is most commonly associated with people who have dealt with this once or twice in computer science! I have noted that in recent years many others have come to create Facebook app which had no knowledge either in programming or something like that! I think this has to do with the fact that nowadays there are quite a few so-called Facebook app generators, that in turn has facilitated the creation of Facebook apps! Anyway, I decided also to make a Facebook app using one of these generators of Facebook app! To my surprise, I found that these Facebook App makers costs a lot to use! It was a close call that I would forget the idea totally and hire someone else to do it for me, but suddenly at the last minute I found a program that apparently I had missed during my search in the internet and the program that I fined is called ClickAppy! I just have to tell you that this program will revolutionize the Facebook app creation! If you don’t believe me, you must try it and then visit this page and write what you think about this amazing Facebook app manufacturer! Through this program you will be able to create almost any type of app to your Facebook page! So what are you waiting for? Start now and make your Facebook app for free! It’s true, at present it is totally free to use this Facebook app generator! And listen to this, later it will cost only $ 2.99 a month to run this program! So it’s all right, continue until you are completely satisfied! 😀


Silly useless fun apps we like

Here you will find apps that don’t really fit in but they are somewhat fun and silly and we all need a silly app now and then.



anything-o-meter2 anything-o-meter

Trick your friends and colleagues with this measure apparatus. You simply write whatever you want to measure then you manipulate the outcome with a slight touch anywhere on the screen and the gauge will slowly move in that direction. This is easily done without anyone noticing your input. Also plus for cool graphics.




Super stupid and a little fun. A while ago PocketHeat was just that, a pocket heater. You wonder how? Well if got an app that throw a lot of random calculations at the cpu to a degree that it’s maxed out combine that with full load on the accelerometer and voila you got a warm iPhone for your frozen fingers in your pocket. Oh happy joy – not really. See this is not good for your phone. Running warm and soaking the battery at record speed is not how Apple want you to treat your phone. The story should end here but not so. You can now for 99 cent buy a PocketHeater  that simulates a heater with a nice picture and all without any warmth. It’s endlessly stupid and we actually don’t like this app at all…


Hold on!

How long can I hold a finger on the display you might wonder? Yes now you can find out by using the awesome app “Hold on”. That’s what it do, nothing else just that. You put your finger on the screen and it starts counting. Yep that’s it. There is of course a  scoreboard for you to send your score to when you feel you have been holding your finger on your smartphone just long enough.!/id284963359?mt=8


Thermal Vision
ThermalVision thermalvision1
Want to get some of that sweet superior Predator feel? So it’s alien technology with Thermal Vision for my iPhone? This is all nonsense you may think and it is. Pure bogus app. But it gives you some kind of nice thermal-ish filtered picture to look at. And it is a bit Predator, hence cool.